multiple memories in Europe...
From october 2015 to may 2017, follow all the activities and news about the project MEFRO.
The multimedia content is partly created in collaboration with the MIRO Program – conducted by the UPVD, it is an innovative model which responds to the issues of economic development of cultural tourism and transformation of a cross-border territory.
MEFRO is coordinated by the University of Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD) in collaboration with the EUROM (European Observatory on Memories) and five other countries: Spain, Italy, Germany, Estonia and Slovenia.
...constructing values, deconstructing borders.
MEFRO has for its objectives diffusion, research and analysis of memorial, social and physical heritage on the European level. It forms part of the “Europe for Citizens” program of the EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency).
Among its main objectives, the MEFRO is aiming to work on the transfer and sharing of knowledge around the theme of memories in order to achieve the appropriation by the public on the international level.
The project is creating a permanent working, interdisciplinary and transnational network dealing with the theme of borders as a space for analysis which contains the major part of the difficulties hindering the history, memory and heritage in Europe at this moment.